Atoms and molecules

Students will learn about atoms and the periodic table. They will build molecules using the Molymod molecular model building sets using the contexts of water and air, fuels and other interesting molecules.

This workshop is hands-on. Parents are welcome to attend and if your child needs help with basic reading it would be beneficial to stay during the workshop.

No prior knowledge or skills required. Suitable for ages 7-9.



Feedback about this workshop from previous attendees:

• The class was great. My son (7) and I really enjoyed it. Building the molecules was so much fun and made it so much more understandable (even for me).

• My boys (8 and 10) talked a lot about the session, which they loved! They were so stimulated by the hands-on approach that I’m sure they will remember tons.

• My boys loved the workshop today. Thank you for educating us on atoms and molecules; the boys and I certainly learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

• It was hands-on, informative and a great learning experience for the children. Your workshop has certainly sparked an interest in this field.